Welcome to Reception
The Reception class teacher is Miss Mitchell and she is supported by our teaching assistants Miss Horsey and Mrs Dean. Our class page will be full of exciting experiences and adventures from your child's first year at school! You will also find important information about Reception, our current topics and useful website links.
Parent Information
- Bring reading folder to school everyday
- Children come to school in their PE kits on a Tuesday and Thursday
- Forest School will on a Wednesday
- Wellington Boots and a waterproof coat needed daily for OPAL Play and Forest School
Important Documents
Please click here to find more information about "Supporting Phonics at Home"
Early Years Foundation Stage Statutory Framework: for group and school providers (Jan 2024)
Early Years Foundation Stage Development Matters (Sept 2023)
Spring Term
This term Reception will focus on getting to know our new school environment and develop an understanding of daily routines. We will explore a variety of activities in continuous provision to support cooperative play with our new friends. We are continuting to learn sounds through Floppy Phonics and develop our understanding of numbers in CanDo Maths. We are working to become independent when putting our coats and wellington boots for OPAL play at lunchtime.
Our project in Spring 1 will be Starry Night.
This project supports the children in Reception to learn about famous artists and the night sky. We will learn about Vincent Van Gogh, his life and paintings particularly focusing on "Starry Night". Using the book "All Through the Night", we will deepen our learning about people who help us by learning about what happens when we are sleeping. We will learn about the differences in day and night, beginning to develop an understanding that the Earth moves and the planets that are in Space
Our project in Autumn 2 will be Me & My Community.
This project supports the children in Reception in settling into their new school environment, focus on how to work alongside other children and encourages them to gain confidence in new situations. We learn about how to be kind, thoughtful and helpful to those around us. As part of our learning, we focus on different jobs in the community and how people help to keep us safe. We will learn about wider community celebrations from around the world.
Our project in Autumn 1 will be Once Upon A Time.
This project supports the children in Reception to orally retell traditional tales and begin to understand the structure of stories. We will learn about wider community celebrations both in the United Kingdom and beyond, talking about the different ways people celebrate. As the seasons change, we will begin to talk about the observations we make in Forest School and how the weather changes from Autumn to Winter.
In Reception we use Tapestry Online Learning Journey to record and share milestones within school. Tapestry is a secure online system that allows us to share photographs of what your child has been doing within school. These observations then form an integral part of the formal assessments completed. In addition to this Tapestry allows parents to upload observations from home for teaching staff to see in school. Click Here to visit Tapestry.